Safety and Security Tips for Your Restaurant

Restaurant Operations, Safety & Security,

By Guy Pittman, Goliath Consulting Group

Maintaining restaurant security and safety is a constant concern for owners and managers. Restaurateurs must continually strive for the security and safety of not only the products, but most importantly the employees and customers. Issues concerning restaurant safety and security typically arise due to lack of management guidelines or proper training and adherence to guidelines that are in place. 

Owners and managers must collaborate to increase employee awareness of these guidelines ensuring the overall protection of a restaurant and those within its walls. It is equally important to create awareness of the main security risks facing restaurant operations.

Among those risks are the following: theft and burglaries, criminal damage, and employee theft. There are specific anti-theft/burglary guidelines that a restaurant can implement to lessen the chance of becoming a target for a thief. Of the most common restaurant thefts, cash theft occurs most often. Below is list of guidelines restaurants can take to reduce cash thefts:
    • Always shut and lock the door behind you
    • Never open office doors if there is a safe open
    • Keep all exterior doors locked from the inside at all times
    • Never count cash in front of guests
    • Make cash deposits after busy high traffic shifts
    • Refrain from leaving large sums of cash in restaurant overnight
    • Contract with a cash management and security company like Brinks

Restaurants should also take the proper precautions to keep products secure. There are a variety of measures to take that will help ensure product security from both employees and outside individuals. Below are steps to consider:
  • Limit the number of keys given out for storage rooms and offices
  • Refrain from distributing keys to staff members (unless management or authorized personnel)
  • Keep storage and office areas locked at all times
  • Make sure back entrances are locked and alarmed when they are not in use

Above all, restaurant owners and management teams must consider the security of customers and staff. This entails protecting customers and staff from erratic, harmful behavior of individuals such as thieves, disgruntled guests, or unwelcome intruders. The best way to sustain a safe environment is by educating staff members on the proper guidelines and precautions.
  • Be aware of surroundings before exiting your car or the building
  • Maintain a well-lit parking lot and adjust timers for the time of year
  • Use a buddy system for opening and closing the restaurant
  • Have a two-person policy to maintain security and safety for back door use
  • Make safety and security training a part of new staff orientation
  • Require ID and verification of all people going behind the counter or into staff only areas of the restaurant

Operational safety is equally as important. Simple habits like regular inspections of equipment, reviewing the proper procedures for chemical use compliance with staff members, and ensuring the proper placards are in place to remind staff of basic safety protocols such as properly cleaning prep areas and safely lifting larger objects. Here are few operational suggestions that help maintain general restaurant safety:
  • Keep equipment updated and replace faulty machinery immediately
  • Do not use glass to scoop ice
  • Place non-skid mats in high-traffic water prone areas
  • Require employees to wear proper safety equipment (gloves, non-slick shoes, etc.)
  • Use proper lifting techniques when handling inventory and equipment
  • Never block exits or aisles/never leave exit doors propped open
  • Install a CO2 monitor

If you wish to learn more about the steps your restaurant can take to ensure better safety and security for both your customers and employees, reach out to us at
